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(Mix) Batida Diferente | Estamos Aí - João Parahyba
(Rec - Mix - Master) Pink - ailaika

Streets of Rage Inspired Song - Mauricio Ruiz

Hello, and welcome to my online portfolio!
My name is Mauricio Ruiz, and I'm an Audio Producer.
But, what does that mean?! Well, I do sound design, mixing and soundtrack production for games, music artists, ads and films.
Those blips, blops, crashs, booms and songs you hear when you play a game, or see a film... well, that's me! Also, when you hear a song from an artist, I'm the guy behind all those buttons, microphones and blinking lights that records and/or mix it!
Well, hope you enjoy my website and my work! And if you do, let's keep in touch!

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